Where is he
When the pain that he’s caused is eating away at your soul
Where is he
When you cry yourself to sleep at night
Where is he
When you feel like you’re not good enough,
or good enough for sex but not the rest
Where is he
When he promised you he’d be here, that you’d do that thing together, but you know you never will, You know he only makes empty promises to you, but real ones to the rest.
Yet you take his word and hold on to it because that’s all you’ll ever have.
Empty words and a broken heart
Where is he
When he told you to trust him, only to take that trust and break it
Where is he
He said he’d be here
But he never comes
Maybe when he’s
On his way home, from a night out with his friends and the thought of you comes not from his heart or his mind but from what lies between his legs.
Where is he
When you’ve disappeared into your deep depression
When you’re pushed to the edge, afraid of heights but not scared to jump
Where is he
When you try to change yourself so maybe you’ll be wanted
Where is he
When you compare yourself to those other girls
Not skinny enough
Not pretty enough
Not smart enough
Not rich enough
Not happy enough
Where is he
When he’s taken your happiness
When he’s taken your joy
When he’s broken you down and turned you into his little toy
Where is he
When you cry,
When you die a little more inside as another day goes by with
No call, not even a text
Where is he
When the only memories you have of him are sad ones
But memories all the same you hold on to them
Where is he
When the sun doesn’t shine for you anymore
Because he’s taken it away
To keep you hidden in the darkness
Is he ashamed?
Because you’re not like them and you’re not like him
Can you blame him?
Where is he
When you’re being poisoned from the inside from the seeds that he planted
When u lay awake at night disheartened
Where is he?
He’s run off with your confidence and left you in the darkness
When he’s put you in a box and forgotten
Where is he
Once he’s broken all his promises
He turns away from what he started
Where is he
When your heart has gone black
And blue, it’s so bruised
So where is he?
Somewhere living life when hes taken all of yours.
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